Emerging of the Bombshell Within

An eclectic view of a girl's life

a girl trying to remember November 10, 2009

Filed under: Random musings — bombshellwithin @ 7:59 AM

I do so many blog worthy things during the day. I really do. Yet I end up writing things talking about my hair and silly messages about just not feeling like myself.

There is so much I want to show my few but faithful readers. But when I am busy in class or baking up a storm, I just plain forget to take a picture of it. Or if I do manage to take a pic during the process, never do I remember to take a pic of the finished product. So in the end I have a lot of random shots of unfinished blog entries. Then I feel bad for posting without any pictures. It feels so very dull.
And this bombshell tries to be anything but dull!

So over the next few days I will be baking a lot due to 2 birthdays in my family. I will try to remember to photograph the fruits of my labor. In the meantime, allow me to amuse you with the sort of thing I usually end up with a picture of….

My food.

The one I’m putting into my mouth.

So here is the pink oatmeal I am having for breakfast. I don’t think the picture is doing justice to the shockingly pink shade. Just believe me when I say that strawberries n cream instant oatmeal turns a deep shade of pink.