Emerging of the Bombshell Within

An eclectic view of a girl's life

A girl musing on boxes March 7, 2011

Filed under: Random musings — bombshellwithin @ 1:18 PM
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You know, I might actually be digging the NaBloPoMo theme for March.  It’s rather simple… to muse on one word.  There are days like today when inescapably I find myself thinking on one thing.

Today it has been boxes.

Now this seems strange, I know.  However, I woke up this morning and decided my room was getting a little too cluttered.  I had inherited a set of drawers from the Stalker and had yet to put anything in them.  Today would be the day that I wanted to fill them.  After all, the small plastic drawer that my socks had been living in could barely contain all that I had stuffed into them.

For the sake of my socks alone I knew I needed to get organized.

And y’all should well know that my love for my socks knows no bounds.

So carefully and thoughtfully, I went about the task.

Once I had gotten all my clothes sorted and hung, I realized that I’d been accumulating a small stack of boxes.

Not just any boxes... but USPS boxes.

Now the fact that they are USPS flat-rate boxes is no real surprise.  I got packages sent from my mom & family in PR for Christmas and Valentine’s Day.  Plus there was what my Mr. Land had sent me for Christmas as well.  It’s the fact that I chose to hold onto the opened boxes with random assortment of stuff still in them that confuses me.  While I was sorting through what I had in each box, I came to realize that I have a habit of holding onto boxes.

Don’t ask me why.

But whenever I get something in a box or a bag, I feel compelled to keep that too.  Maybe because it’s part of the gift?

Maybe I think that there’s a chance I might re-use it?

Maybe I just forget and am too lazy to break up the box?

Whatever the reason, I have to really remind myself to just gather all of them up and throw them out.  I’d been meaning to do that for a while but hadn’t.  I think knowing more boxes are coming my way is what has led me to finally dispose of these.  In a way, I do the same thing with money.  I only begin to spend again when I know more money will be coming in.  Otherwise I will hold onto it as much as I can.

And yes, this really was my whole train of thought on boxes.