Emerging of the Bombshell Within

An eclectic view of a girl's life

A girl feeling extra sleepy April 30, 2011

Filed under: Random musings — bombshellwithin @ 11:51 AM
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I have been unreasonably sleepy all day today.  I can’t understand why since I slept fairly well last night.  Still, for most of the day, I could hardly keep my eyes open.  This was difficult when I had to keep my eyes open for well over 16 hours at work.

So I think I will start the NaBloPoMo theme for May a little early.  After all, it’s nearly midnight and it might as well count, right?

May’s theme is maybe.

So maybe tomorrow I will feel more awake and willing to write a decent length blog for a change.

Or maybe y’all are just happy with whatever random thing I blog about.

Maybe I should just go to sleep since I go to work in so few hours.


A girl not musing on the royal wedding April 29, 2011

Filed under: Random musings — bombshellwithin @ 9:41 PM
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I’m not.

The most I’ve actually thought about it was when I was shocked into seeing that they made a lifetime movie about it.

Then I got over it.


A girl trying Lush products April 28, 2011

Filed under: Beauty — bombshellwithin @ 10:53 PM
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Being the girly girl that I am, I like trying all sorts of products.  However, as a Mary Kay lady, I try to keep this experimentation within the realms of not utilizing any contraband.  Therefore, when I go looking for new products, I look along the line of things that Mary Kay does not offer.  Considering it does have most, if not all my beauty and cosmetic needs, there is very little that I might need to order outside of it.  Still, there is still a lot like hair products, some nail products, bubble baths and deodorants that I can still shop around for.

And shop I do!

Lately, there really has been a surge of natural products that one should be trying for their body.  For some things, I feel that perhaps I may go with the trend.  For example, I’ve discovered that deodorant seems to make me break out in painful ways.  I’ve switched brands many times over and it’s still terrible.  Until I get medical insurance to verify, I’ve been experimenting with not wearing any.  I can usually get away with it by using the right spraying of body stuffs unless I’m working a double.  Then I wear deodorant because I can’t go 16 plus hours of activity without sweating and no one wishes to smell bad when one is already rather tired and cranky.

With this in mind, I remembered that I was just looking for an excuse to buy products from LUSH.  A friend had recommended them and I really wanted to get some of the stuff I found there.  So I wasted no time in ordering.

I got the T'eo deodorant bar.

There were several deodorants to choose from.  I knew that I wanted to go with bar form first.  From there, I read through the descriptions and decided that I would find the lemony citrus scent the least obtrusive out of all the descriptions listed.  I then tried to decide whether four bars was too many to order.

In the end I decided that until I knew whether I liked it…

Two were just going to have to suffice.

Then I went wandering about the site.  After all, I have a penchant for yummy smelling products and a deep love for all things bubble bathy.

Tonight I gave the sakura bath bomb I purchased a try.

I was very excited to try it when I received it.  But then I had it and was trying to read up what scents it contained when I saw the reviews were terribly mixed.  Given that many said that the scent seemed not to last if they had kept the bath bomb for too long, I decided to use it right away.  I still have some pleasure dough bubble bath, but that one I will save for another pampering occasion.

Over all, I’m very pleased with the products.  The bath bomb was fun to watch as it fixed and danced around in the bath tub.  It left my skin with a soft velvety conditioning and a gorgeous light scent.  I had hoped that the water would change color or something but seems that this wasn’t the bath bomb one gets to witness that.  I would definitely purchase it again.  I’m just sorry it’s such a huge bomb for just a single bath.  Still, I loved luxuriating in it.  As for the deodorant, it surprised me with the fact that it is a bar but is still quite fragile and powdery.  The scent is fresh and there seems to be a tingling refreshing feel to it.  It laster all day and didn’t seem to irritate my underarms.  We’ll see if prolonged use of it will not cause the same effect as other deodorants have been.

I’ll try and remember to let y’all know my thoughts on the pleasure dough bubble bath.


A girl musing on ivy April 27, 2011

Filed under: silliness — bombshellwithin @ 11:54 PM
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I have been working for nearly 3 months now, but I have to say that it seems that it’s a near daily basis for someone to ask me what my name is.  When I say Ivy, I would say that it’s about 3 out of 5 who will say…

Oh, like Poison Ivy?

I know they probably mean this kind:

Poison Ivy as in the plant

But I always think of this kind instead:

Poison Ivy the hot super villain


A girl musing on FaceBook April 26, 2011

Filed under: Personal Interest,Random musings — bombshellwithin @ 10:58 PM
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Lately, I can’t escape this persisting notion that I want to condense my online exposure.  With it, I’ve been trying to evaluate which profiles I should keep and which I should maybe do away with.  My blog is one I will definitely keep as I enjoy writing little snippets daily and posting up random pictures.  But then there are things like my Twitter and FaceBook accounts that have not seen much activity from me.  However, Twitter still holds some appeal to me.  I just work so much that I would bore everyone with my tweets lately.  That and I’m not allowed to have my phone on me while at work so I have begun to not feel the need to keep my phone on me as much when I’m not working.

With Facebook, I can’t say I feel the same affinity.  I remember joining just because my student council friends insisted I do so for the sake of the group they wanted me to help run.  I was far more active back then but once I changed direction in life, I have used it less and less.  Now, I may check it daily but I never post anything of mine up there.  If I really care to share things with people, they know enough to check my blog for it.  When the mood strikes me, I will leave comments on things other people post.

But is it enough to keep a profile on it?

I remember reading an article some weeks back about whether facebook will endure.  They said that it would be difficult for another platform to propagate to so many users and gain a strong hold of them to get them away from facebook.  Since there are so many people on facebook, in order to change to another site, you would have to convince your friends to join up with you.  I remember doing this for Twitter.  My friends were hesitant to use it and I remember not using it myself for many months when I first got an account.  It would be hard for me to try to convince my friends to another site especially when my reason for leaving something like facebook would be to consolidate the accounts I have.

So could I just delete it if I wanted to?

I’ve been toying with the idea.

The more I think about it, the more I like how it sounds.

Whenever I try though, I just end up fiddling with the privacy settings and deleting “friends” I feel no inclination to see clog up my feed.  Am I the only one who feels this way?  Or does everyone just love facebook?  Is there something I’m not seeing or just plain missing?

Tell me all about it.