Emerging of the Bombshell Within

An eclectic view of a girl's life

One Word Friday March 11, 2011

Filed under: Random musings — bombshellwithin @ 4:28 PM
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So maybe I’m digging the whole “one word” thing for March a lot more than I thought I would.  Or maybe I’m tired and/or lazy when it comes to thinking up what to blog about when I get home from work.  Whatever it is, the theme is really working well when it comes to giving me something to blog about.

Todays thought is schedules.

It could have been calendars.

It occurs to me that I don’t carry a calender even though I used to have one which I’d write in religiously.  I own a calender and I could write out my schedule in a color coordinated fashion as I so often have done in the past.  However, I have not felt the need to do so in a very long time.  I’ve been trying to think of why it is that I’ve been so against it mentally.  It’s not like I don’t have things to do or get done.  My memory is not so impeccable that I don’t forget the things I wish to get accomplished.

Sometimes I think my memory is more like a goldfish.

Or maybe this goldfish mentality has more to do with the fact that I do not often have so much to plan in advance that I can remember this short term engagements.  There is a large calender in the dining room/ kitchen area that the big events we mostly have in common or affects the household get written on.  The Stalker does the writing and I do add in some things if I feel they are necessary for common knowledge.  But that’s for the household… what about for myself?

In the end, I suppose I will call it what it sounds like to me…


So maybe that should have been my one word for today.

But I’m too tired to have to rewrite this entire rambling blog entry.  Perhaps tomorrow I will feel like finding my very lovely agenda and begin to write into it like I once did.  In the meantime, I believe I will crawl into bed and hope that tomorrow arrives swiftly.

What about the rest of y’all?

Do you have agendas and calenders to keep you organized?