Emerging of the Bombshell Within

An eclectic view of a girl's life

A girl musing on caffeine March 28, 2011

Filed under: Random musings — bombshellwithin @ 11:50 PM
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It is just a few minutes before midnight and I just finished getting home and washing my hair.  Yesterday I worked 3pm-11pm and then had the brilliant idea to work 6am-3pm today.  If that weren’t bad enough, close to my clock out time, a co-worker begged me to please take her evening shift today.  So when I would have been home early sleeping, I stayed on until after 11pm.  A part of me wishes that I hadn’t done it.  But with this shift tonight, I swapped my Thursday shift.  That means I will actually get a day off this week.  It doesn’t happen often.

How did I accomplish this?


Throughout the day, a co-worker was kind enough to share half a caffeine pill and for the evening shift, I actually had a cup of coffee.  Now, unless its a Starbucks frappuccino, I do not have coffee.  But today I needed it more than ever.  So, that’s my one word of the day…. Caffeine.

I’m going to sleep now.

I have to be in to work at 7am tomorrow.