Emerging of the Bombshell Within

An eclectic view of a girl's life

A girl and the Stalker’s wedding November 5, 2011

Filed under: Life Events,NaBloPoMo — bombshellwithin @ 11:50 PM

Along the things that happened over the summer, and surely the biggest event of the season, was the Stalker’s beautiful wedding to her beloved beau.  The time leading up the event was stressful all around.  I kid you not that for the week or more before it, I had nightmares that woke me up in the middle of the night about it.  I wanted the evening to go along perfectly and I would say that it was as close to it as it could get.  I kid you not when I say that the event was truly lovely.  Everyone cried and it was all from the joy of all the love and happiness witness there that night.

Now, you have to understand that the nightmares did not stem from any of the regular planning and the Stalker was not a bridezilla despite her fears that she may turn into one.  What kept me up at night was planning the delicious execution of the wedding cake and mousse desserts in chocolate cups.

Needless to say, just about everything that could have gone wrong as far as the dessert stuff did go wrong.  I got nothing which I ordered, though I ordered it with plenty of time.  I labored many hours over it didn’t sleep more than 3 hours the night before the wedding because I was awake putting together the cake.

Sadly, there are no pictures of the lovely creations.

But the bridesmaids devouring them is the best ad a girl could ask for!